Sunday, November 20, 2011

Repeat after me, "Dogs ARE Individuals".

Something's been bugging me for the last couple of weeks. While speaking with a friend the other day the issue came up again. After the conversation I had more time to play with it and figure out what it was, specifically, that bothered me so much about it. By now you're probably thinking, "Okay! Out with it already, what's bugging you?!"

First, I want to say I really love and support organizations that present the concept that "dogs are individuals" because this really, in my opinion, is what needs to be stressed in today's society. Having said, I feel sometimes well meaning advocates of particular dog breeds, whether it be greyhounds, chihuahuas or "pit bull" type dogs,  may actually be unintentionally hurting these dogs. Not because it is their intention, but because of the big love they feel for these dogs the concept that "dogs are individuals" gets muddied and turns into an illusion that "these dogs are perfect" or "perfect dogs for joggers" or "perfect couch potato dogs". "Dogs are individuals". I hate to be redundant, but when the message goes from that to something like "all these dogs are great exercise buddies" or "all these dogs are great couch potatoes" then you have unknowing people going out and getting these "exercise dogs" or "couch potato dogs" just to find out that their specific dog is not their "exercise buddy" or "couch potato".

I think the focus should be more on educating people and putting out the message, like crazy, that...guess what? "Dogs are individuals" not all chihuahuas are yappy, not all "pit bulls" were fighters or bait dogs. We need to see each dog individually and while we're at it we should promote realistic expectations. Rescue groups need to also type up more accurate descriptions of their dogs...a dog that is reactive towards other dogs is not a dog that loves everybody and everything! What's the use of adopting that dog out to then have it returned. Forget the fact that now that adopter has had a negative experience with that breed type AND rescue group.

So what's bugging me is that some of the same people advocating for dogs are hurting their very image and have gone from one end of the spectrum to the other.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Great Dog-pectations: Setting Realistic Expectations for Yourself and Your Dog.

A friend and her dog visited yesterday and we decided to take her dog and Harley for a long walk on a trail nearby. When we got there I hooked Harley's collar to a longer leash and my friend let her dog off leash.

We walked in and I started practicing some recalls with Harley and he was doing really well. I gave him lots of praise and sometimes treats. After a few great recalls I let him drag the leash and continued to call him back to me a few times and he did wonderful. I was happy and regaining confidence in his recall, which has been lacking lately.  We walked all the way to the pond and then headed back after hearing some thunder.

On the way back to the car he did a couple of recalls and then we came up to a fork on the trail. Harley ran ahead towards the right but we were going left. I called him and continued a few steps into the left path. Assuming, I guess, he would run back to the beginning of the fork, take the left path and catch up to me. Pretty complicated, now that I think about it. Well, he didn't get my memo on that. He looked at me and headed through the wooded area in between the paths to get to me on the other side.

That's when it happened, a scent, A very gooood SCENT and he followed it - "Elvis has left the building." I called again and this time he was further into the woods, but I could hear his tags. My friend and her dog went to the other side of the fork, I returned to the left side, but then I stopped hearing the tags. I couldn't hear or see him anymore and I felt the panic. I told my friend, "Okay, 'C' I am starting to panic...I am officially panicking".  I think she told me not to worry and continued to track him. At that point I headed into the woods after him as a million thoughts rushed through my head. From "what was I thinking he was not ready for off leash!" to "what if he heads for the road?" and then looked down to search for his tracks so I could follow him (we've had rain so the ground was wet). After a while, what seemed like hours to me, I heard the tags again. I called him, I made kissy sounds, and then my friend called out that she saw him. I caught  glimpse of him and then I could see him running towards me...I started praising. "YAY!!! What a good boy, yaaaaay!!! Good job!" Grabbed his collar, took a hold of the leash and I totally cursed him out in a VERY happy tone, let out a sigh of relief and we continued our walk to the car and then home.

Harley had a blast yesterday and he was pooped! I learned where our training needs work, but how well his recall also is. See, I don't think he was a bad dog, stupid or stubborn. He was just not ready for that scenario, it was too hard for him. Also, if you think about it he did come back, he just took a detour to check out the scent first! I would prefer he doesn't detour in the future, but that means I need to continue to work and proof the recall. Break it down for him and set him up for success. There were a few things I could have done to avoid him going too far ahead and heading right instead of left at the fork in the path, but even though I am a great dog trainer I make mistakes too. Everyone does and my dogs are not perfect. They are among my most valued teachers.

Moral of the story: Set realistic expectations for your dog. Let your dog set the pace and set him up for success. Break behaviors down into small steps, if that's too hard, break it down even more.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Services, Some Changes, and Updates

An Additional Phone Number:
Dot's Dog Training & Pet Services now has an additional number for Putnam & Dutchess County clients. It is 845-206-WOOF (9663). 

Now Serving Putnam & parts of Dutchess County:
I am now serving the following areas: Patterson, Brewster, Carmel, Mahopac, Pawling, Dover, Fishkill and Wappingers.

Next Scheduled Group Classes: 
Pup Scouts for dogs 8-18 weeks of age starts on Sunday, August 14th at 7pm at Furry Rascals (164th St. & B'way).

Dog Scouts 1 for dogs 5 months or older starts on Sunday, August 14th at 8:15pm at Furry Rascals (164th St. & B'way). 

Spots are limited so please sign up as soon as possible to safe your spot. You can sign up and pay online by visiting:


Thursday, July 7, 2011

We're Now On YouTube

Check out the "Modern Day Love Story" video I uploaded on YouTube. Starring Harley Wagalot and his new friend, Ivy. They are reminding us that friendship should not be limited by color, size, or breed.

Check us out here: Dot's Dog Training YouTube Channel

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Recent Changes

As some of you may already know The Giz Crew and I moved out of New York City. We are now living in Patterson, NY which is in Putnum County (north of Westchester County). Its been an interesting journey with bittersweet moments as we do miss our friends, family, and clients in NYC. Nonetheless, I am still commuting into the city for private dog training sessions and group classes. I have limited my coverage area to: Inwood, Washington Heights, Upper West Side, Upper East Side, and Midtown. I am available to all my current clients and also to new clients within this coverage area.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have and I appreciate your continuous support.